The Compost Project
Student Information
Truman students can participate in the Compost Project to help promote sustainability on the Truman campus. Volunteers are always welcome!
Compost Project Employees
The Compost Project offers Institutional, Work Study, and Scholarship jobs. Students who work for the Compost Project aim to help live up to the Truman State Sustainability Initiative by collecting campus compost and encouraging members of the Truman community to promote sustainability as well.
If you are interested in working with Compost Project, see TruPositions, Truman’s centralized student employment website.
Compost Project Intern
The Compost Project employs an intern to oversee its day-to-day operations. The position lasts for a spring and subsequent fall semester. The intern supervises students and engages with Sodexo staff. In addition, the intern implements an internship project. The four-credit hour portion of the internship covers the actual time on task (160 hours during the semester).
The intern’s duties and responsibilities can include:
- Create work schedules for around three dozen employees
- Plan and organize events
- Train new employees
- Learn and meet the needs and concerns of Sodexo managers and staff
- Conduct biweekly meetings
- Allocate student labor to meet budget constraints
- Ensure appropriate work materials are available and accessible
- Assist with ‘pile building’ at the University Farm
- Advertise and promote the project
- Day-to-day troubleshooting
- Maintain ongoing communication with project workers, Sodexo staff, and university employees
Join Rot Riders
Rot Riders is a student-led group that offers free curbside pickup of food scraps. They transport the food scraps to the compost bins using bicycle trailers.